Screen Time

Technology is so much a part of our everyday lives, that it almost feels like air or water. We can’t live without it. With that being said, sometimes it’s nice to just unplug. I know me saying that may send some of you into a panic attack. I know when I leave my phone at home, I feel like a limb is missing. Guess what?! It’s not! The days when I unplug, it’s crazy how much I learn about the world. I get to pay attention to the beautiful sky, the wonderful weather, and I get to actually hold a meaningful conversation with a stranger! Ok, so I know it’s not realistic to unplug all the time. If I’m being honest, I might do it once a year. With that being said, I get asked all the time, what is the appropriate amount of technology that my child should have access to? There is lots of research out there about appropriate technology use for all ages. So, basically, there are a lot of opinions. Here’s what the American Academy of Pediatrics says….

Children 18 months and younger

No screen time.

 (They skipped 18 months to 2 years)

Sorry guys!

Children 2 to 5

Limited to 1 hour of screen time per day. By their definition, screen time means using digital media for entertainment use. No, this doesn’t include screen time needed for homework. This means entertainment TV, games, videos, etc.

Children 6 and older

Up to the parent. I know that’s not much guidance, but what this means is that as the parent, you are in charge of your child’s digital media. If your teen is upset about you limiting their access, you’re in charge. If you feel your teen is engaging in their phone more than engaging with you or their friends, you’re in charge. If your child is throwing a temper tantrum every time you take away the screen, you’re in charge. You. Are. In. Charge.

Even when you are limiting screen time, that doesn’t mean that then your child can have free reign over the Internet. Gone are the days of parenting when your child only had access to information that you or their friends gave them. Access to technology, means they have access to pretty much everything in the world. As a parent, you can still have control over this. It is not an invasion of your child’s privacy to have parental controls, or monitoring devices on your child’s devices. Remember, You. Are. In. Charge.

I will leave you with this. Social skills are so important in our society, and if you or your child is struggling with them, it may be helpful to consider seeking counseling near me. This is a necessary skill for not only social development, but also in the workplace. This is a skill that your child will need. The less time your child spends on digital media, the more time your child will be forced to engage in the social world around them.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”-Gandhi

Reach out to one of our therapists at Pineapple Counseling in Flower Mound, TX or Southlake, TX today!

Pineapple Counseling

Pineapple Counseling provides counseling as support and guidance through a difficult time, so that clients can find joy in their lives again. They believes that clients are the expert of their own lives, and their goal is to make counseling as comfortable and collaborative as possible. Problems do not have to become a permanent staple in one’s life. Through counseling, Pineapple Counseling believes clients can find their happiness again.

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