Surviving a global pandemic

Wellllllll….if anyone had told me that this is what 2020 would have looked like, I would have laughed. Here we are with Thanksgiving next week and COVID is still going strong. Anyone else having a tough time with it, or is it just me? Abnormal has become our new normal. Here’s a few things I’ve found along the way that might be helpful to implement as it looks like this will continue into 2021. If you're struggling to cope, consider seeking support from Pineapple Counseling in Flower Mound, TX and Southlake, TX.

Find ways to be social

Gosh, we’re having to get creative! Don’t get me wrong, I know Zoom cooking classes are not the same as face-to-face, BUT we’re working with what we got. Though we are living through a very isolating time we have to find creative ways to build social connection. Research has shown that we need social connection just as much as we need food and water. Wow! That means social connection is fundamental to our survival. So how do we do this, when literally we’re being told not to have contact with people? We have to get creative! I am very grateful to be living in a time of technology. Use that technology to your advantage. Play online games with friends or family who are across the country, FaceTime friends and family, do a virtual book club, do a drive by social distancing hang out. See if you can find an online version of the things that you enjoyed pre-COVID.

It’s ok to not be ok

I’ve spoken to a lot of people who have a hard time admitting that this has been really hard. They want to be strong. I don’t know about you, but I am struggling. I’ll say that again, I am struggling. That’s ok! Sure, you may look around and it looks like some people are thriving during this time. Good for them! I’m not. If you’re like me, maybe you’re treading water during this time. Don’t worry about hitting your stride during all of this, keep your head above water.

Look forward to something everyday

Yep. I said everyday. Have something to look forward to as part of your coping skills. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but something that gets you a little excited to get out of bed every morning. It might be that you’re having cinnamon rolls for breakfast twice this week (or three times if you’re like me). Remember, we’re treading water here, so the normal things we’re looking forward to, like family vacations, big school events, etc., may not be happening, so we need to find other things to be excited about. We can still look forward to big things, but there’s less of those in our life right now, so we need daily little things to bring excitement. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m REAL excited for mac n cheese on Thanksgiving. Reach out to Pineapple Counseling in Flower Mound, TX or Southlake, TX today!

Pineapple Counseling

Pineapple Counseling provides counseling as support and guidance through a difficult time, so that clients can find joy in their lives again. They believes that clients are the expert of their own lives, and their goal is to make counseling as comfortable and collaborative as possible. Problems do not have to become a permanent staple in one’s life. Through counseling, Pineapple Counseling believes clients can find their happiness again.

Don’t be a perfect parent


When you can’t keep up with the Joneses